Interpretive Guides Society’s new website


The Interpretive Guides Society (IGS), a not-for-profit association of  safari guides dedicated to promoting a voluntary standard of excellence in conservation-oriented nature guiding, has a new website. Visit our page and learn about the Society’s work and its Code of Ethics for nature guiding. Get involved and contribute to conservation efforts.

E.O. Wilson’s Life on Earth: free biology textbook on itunes

Life on Earth E.O. WilsonOur  living planet faces unprecedented challenges. The most important tool we have to meet those challenges is education. The E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation has gathered together a contributor team consisting of educators, multimedia artists, 3D animators trained in science and cinema, and textbook professionals, led by naturalist Edward O. Wilson. Our goal is to create a cultural landmark—a portal that will introduce students to the grandest story there is, the story of life on Earth, from molecules to ecosystems, from the origin of life to the modern awareness that we control the environment we live in. E.O. Wilson’s Life on Earth is a new digital textbook for high school biology students. This collection is entirely free and available for download from itunes. (text taken from E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation).